Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Paving party tonight on Avenue B

Tow-away notices are now posted (as of last night) along Avenue B ahead of the repaving party on Avenue B ... happening tonight and tomorrow night (6 p.m. to 6 a.m.) from Houston to 14th Street. 

Thanks to the East Village Community Coalition for the pic!


  1. Little know fact. Putting trash out to road Tues an Wed and get picked up free!

  2. People better move their cars by 5:59 PM because the DOT tow trucks will be towing them and good luck finding out where they towed or "relocate" your car to. I found that out the hard way a few weeks ago.

  3. Note that they only finished down to about 9th street from 14th, and they put up new signs that they will be working tonight. Any folks still parked on Ave B south of 9th should move their cars ASAP!!

  4. Glad I moved mine Sunday to a side street Thursday spot which means I don't have to move it tomorrow. Working those Free Car Parking rules!

  5. I think the Belgian bricks are a much more effective means of paving the street—except they're hell to walk on in stilettos.


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