Thursday, October 6, 2022

The annual Harvest Arts Festival starts tomorrow in East Village community gardens

The 11th annual LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival gets underway tomorrow (Friday, Oct. 7). 

This year's 9-day festival includes activities at dozens of East Village/LES community gardens, each featuring various performances, concerts, workshops and other related events. Check the LUNGS website here for the day-by-day, garden-by-garden schedule. 

The opening-night festivities are at La Plaza Cultural on the SW corner of Ninth Street and Avenue C... featuring "LGBTQ performers highlighting famed artists from the legendary Apollo Theater, with guest MC Lee Soldier Simmons." The show starts at 6:30 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. Hats off to the LUNGS festival organizers! I love this event. Great flyer too.


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