Monday, January 30, 2023

Signage alert: O'Flaherty's on Avenue A

Photos Friday by Stacie Joy 

Signage and a sidewalk awning arrived Friday for the new home of O'Flaherty's, the art gallery coming to 44 Avenue A at Third Street...
As we first reported, artist-curator Jamian Juliano-Villani was moving her gallery into this space after a year at 55 Avenue C at Fourth Street (we covered the opening here, culminating with a barn burner of a show late this past summer).

The gallery opens on Feb 16, featuring a performance series and film screening by @gelitin_official in association with Austrian Cultural Forum New York and Federal Ministry — Republic of Austria: Arts, Culture, Civil Service and Sport.
This space has been empty ever since Upright Citizens Brigade Theater closed UCBeast amid financial challenges in February 2019. The comedy venue opened in September 2011, and UCB took over part of the expanded Two Boots empire — the video store on Avenue A and the Pioneer Theater around the corner on Third Street.

We'll have more on this opening in the days ahead.


  1. Now that is an awning to be proud of!

  2. It is funny I walked past there the other day and saw the awning and immediately thought it was a new bar opening up in the neighborhood. I had no idea it was an art gallery until I saw your post today. Thanks for the clarification.

  3. Where does the name come from? Just curious.

  4. From artnet news:

    The gallery, called O’Flaherty’s — an homage to Irish pubs and Juliano-Villani’s own drinking habits

  5. Is it just me or does the awning look like it's attached to a funeral home?

  6. Yes, it does. But better than standing empty, or being a smoke shop!

  7. Looks a bit silly and pretentious. I'd like to give it six weeks but given the god awful state of EV graffiti it will probably be tagged a lot sooner, or how to say please tag me without saying please tag me.

  8. I give this 5 eye rolls.

  9. Haven't seen that property that clean in a long time definitely an improvement very impressed good luck

  10. Welcome and best of luck!

  11. The Patriot was such a fun show, excited this is revitalizing this space!

  12. I wonder if it will be accessible art space for East Village artists to show and participate in bringing arts subsidization to the neighborhood by allowing artists to work and show and contribute to the neighborhood instead of being pushed into obscurity

  13. Her last show on Ave C was one of the best I have ever seen.

  14. This is just fantastic!!! Avenue A--the new--once again---gallery and art avenue!!!! I love the awning too!!!!

  15. Good, good stuff..!!


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