Friday, April 21, 2023

Downtown Bakery preparing to reopen after being sidelined with an expired license

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy

Updated 5/11 here

Today marks two months that Downtown Bakery at 69 First Ave. has been dark. 

On Feb. 21, as we first reported, the DOH closed the delicious and affordable quick-serve Mexican restaurant for operating with an expired health permit. (Updated.)

Last evening, I ran into the management, who said the license had expired, and it was challenging to cut through red tape to get a new one. They want people to understand it was an expired license, not food- or hygiene-related issues.
The good news: They plan to reopen here between Fourth Street and Fifth Street in two to three weeks and have decided to use the downtime to renovate the small space, including installing a new floor...
And they say the menu, with some of the best breakfast burritos (not to mention tamales!) around, will remain the same...


  1. Great. They’ve been missed.

  2. the very best. Would be devestated to lose them.

  3. Let’s give them a lot of support. Such a wonderful place. Breakfast burritos!

  4. Great news! Welcome back!

    I heard a similar story from another area business - they could not get their license renewed in time due to city backlogs, then got punished for it being late. The city has no time for your application, but they put you first in line to take your $$$!

  5. Unfortunate red-tape BS, glad they made use of the downtime by replacing the floor. Welcome back and thanks Ms Joy for the update!

  6. CONGRATs DBCM!! I can't wait to return for chilaquiles.

  7. Despite posturing from the city and elected officials about how much they care about small businesses, the red tape only ever increases. Meanwhile, the tax base gets eroded and quality of life drops, but we keep electing people who enjoy destruction.

  8. Integrity at it's finest!

  9. Good news. I miss dem breakfast burritos!

  10. good food and better people, we'll be there the day they open up.

  11. Cannot wait!! Good Luck and speedy return!


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