Sunday, September 10, 2023

Cafe Mogador is donating profits tomorrow to help the victims of Morocco's deadly earthquake

Photos and story by Stacie Joy 

Tomorrow (Sept. 11), Cafe Mogador on St. Mark's Place (and the Brooklyn location) is donating all of its profits to relief efforts in Morocco after the devastating earthquake there on Friday. 

Danny Orlin (below left) and Jacob Ahiyon, the general manager and operating partner, are also encouraging people to donate to a credible disaster relief service ...
The Orlin family lost relatives in a previous earthquake in 1960 in Agadir, Morocco, where they are from.

Cafe Mogador, which opened here in 1983, is at 101 St. Mark's Place between Avenue A and First Avenue. The Williamsburg location is at 133 Wythe Ave. (Not pictured: Co-organizer Rafael Ohayon, Danny's brother, is owner and operator of the Brooklyn outpost.)

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