Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Openings: Downtown Threads on Avenue A

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy 

Downtown Threads is now in soft-open mode at 66 Avenue A between Fourth Street and Fifth Street. 

The shop is selling vintage/thrift clothes and used records. Operator Angel Ramirez, who's also behind Cafe Social 68 and the Halloween pop-up shop in the spaces next door, says Downtown Threads will have items for most budgets.
... here's manager Shaune Crawford...
Hours are Tuesday through Sunday from noon to 8 p.m. They just launched an Instagram account ... a website is in the works. 

This space served as a pop-up this past summer for Whim Golf. Before Whim, the storefront had been vacant since Lancelotti Housewares left in the fall of 2021 after 25 years in business.


  1. Very cool that he is involved in all three stores. This one is nice and bright and new looking! Best of luck

  2. Great soul-pop album from 1981, Coup de Grace, by Mink de Ville in the first row of the record bin. Pretty remarkable sounding record from a LES Irish junkie channeling doo-wop, Latino soul, and razor sharp rock when everybody else was bashing away at Punk, Post-punk, and No Wave Noise.

  3. oooh are those little tan suede boots in pic 3 a size 8 or thereabouts? i covet them!

    1. I wish they were! These are actually size 6.5 and are only $20. If I get my hands on a size 8 I will be sure to reply here. Thank you.

  4. Awesome! Love your cafe too

  5. Thank you all for the kind words!! We are super excited to be open and hope to have you come by one of these days.


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