Monday, January 8, 2024

G's Cheesesteaks will be the first retail tenant in 15 years at 6 Avenue B

Photo by Salim

G's Cheesesteaks is the new tenant for 6 Avenue B at Houston Street. 

This will be the fourth location for the brand, which also has a food truck business.

Owner Giacomo Pisano, whose family has been in the restaurant business for several generations, founded G's in Staten Island in 2015 at age 20. 

This corner retail space has been empty since the owner of the liquor store here passed away in the fall of 2009 at age 89.

And as we've noted, the building also remained vacant during this time. An LLC linked to Penn Capital South, whose portfolio includes multiple EV properties, bought the building last FebruaryThis was one of the abandoned properties owned by the estate of the mysterious team of Arthur and Abraham Blasof, both long deceased.

Previously on EV Grieve:


  1. Excited to have a retail tenant on this corner at long last! Here's hoping the scaffolding comes down soon, something is down about the ugly front area facing Houston, and this place was SERIOUSLY cleaned before food service starts.

  2. Psyched that they are coming here!! I’ve had their cheesesteaks numerous times at the Staten Island location and even found their Point Pleasant, New Jersey spot by accident. This is just a short train ride from the fashion district!


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