Monday, February 5, 2024

Untitled building now with more Untitled

A surprising number of readers pointed out the new Untitled signage on the three residential entrances of the recently branded building at 58-72 Avenue A between Fourth Street and Fifth Street.

The block letters arrived Friday on the newish awnings on the A, Fourth and Fifth Street sides...
The two-floor high "Untitled" sign arrived on the SE corner of Avenue A and Fifth Street back in the fall, setting off some speculation over the name. (Some people thought it had something to do with the bookstore Mast, the tenant in the corner space. It did not.)

Derby Copeland Capital bought the 6-story building for $64 million in the fall of 2022. The building is entering its second year of gut renovations, which has seen the conversion from prewar 1- and 2-bedroom units to 3-4-bedroom apartments with asking rents as high as $10,000 per month

The building's previous market-rate tenants were not offered lease renewals (with a 90-day notice), and now only a handful of rent-controlled and stabilized tenants are still in residence. (Read more about the situation via this Hellgate piece.) 


  1. Good lord! Such vapid, hipster pretentiousness on full display.
    It seems like a hedge fund ploy to angle this property as a really "hot" commodity in the hopes of selling it for multiples of what was originally invested into it.

  2. I thought entitled is spelled with an "E"

  3. @Drew Ha! Sneak up there one night and do it. I recall when someone climbed onto the roof of the old post office on 14th Street, reached over the front and removed the T.

  4. Used to visit friends there in the 70s. Neighborhood was still gritty. Can’t imagine paying that to live anywhere on the Lower East Side

  5. I guess we will get fooled again. Thank you corrupt city council and every mayor we "elected" these past 20 years.

  6. So corny, why can't it just be a building

  7. Ev is becoming kips bay and filling up with Ohio transplants who leave after two years only patronizing nonsense like this and destroying our neighborhood. Get out

  8. ...The 70s were fifty years ago! The neighborhood has changed!

    That said, this is a truly depressing spectacle.

  9. Some of us Ohio transplants have been here over 50 years. Not necessary to find someone to hate on.

    1. You didn't leave after two years you're good. The anger is towards people who don't put down roots and give back to the community regardless of if they came from Ohio or not

  10. How we don't vote out our local reps is beyond the pale... Hell gate piece is excellent actually gives rare insight into how these things work...

  11. Anonymous from Ohio 2:03. Don't take it personally. They probably meant foreigners in general. I'm also a transplant, here longer than most of my neighbors have been on the planet. If there's any blessing in the rapid turnover of young people just passing through, let's hope that some of them are going BACK to Ohio and Michigan and Wisconsin, with their values recalibrated at least slightly more to the left.

  12. HAHA - 3 of 4 bedrooms facing Avenue A. Good luck getting sleep! I've been in the Ave A facing apartments at Village View and boy, is it loud on a Friday night. But at least VV folks are only paying $900/month. Who is paying $10k for this **** box?

  13. For over 30 years—it seems—there was a postcard store on Prince Street called "Untitled"; I remember discovering it with a friend in 1980 after we had gone gallery-hopping that day—when SoHo still had galleries.

    I think it closed in the 2000s, so it had a good long run, but I'm sorry to have seen all the quirky shops and boutiques in SoHo—like "Tamala Design With Bagel" and "Think Big!"—close one by one and get replaced by Uniqlo and sh¡t. Well, glad I got to experience them at all.


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