Monday, May 27, 2024

37 1st Ave., once home to some East Village music history, is now rubble

The three buildings at 33-37 First Ave. are now a pile of bricks and rubble on the NW corner of Second Street. 

Late last spring, EVG's Stacie Joy toured the No. 37's basement, home to HaveAHeart, one of the last underground East Village music studio spaces. 

Stacie and her tour guide also ventured upstairs to the apartments that had been vacated ahead of the pending demoliton...
Aside from the once-common basement studio, it turns out there was another music connection upstairs at No. 37.

Billy Ficca, a drummer best known for his work in Television, The Waitresses and The Washington Squares, lived here... there was even a piece of a drum kit left behind...
You can read about pending development coming to this parcel here.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, that Billy Ficca anecdote made my day. Love Television and his part in it. I met him at the Subway Bar in Williamsburg (now home to a Dunkin Donuts) one night and he was really great to talk to.


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