Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Angels Boutique gets its wings on Avenue A

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy 

Vintage-designer purveyors Angels on A has debuted its sister shop a few storefronts away here on Avenue A between Fourth Street and Fifth Street. 

Angels Boutique is in soft-open mode at 70 Avenue A (the former Halloween pop-up space) ... with a May 23 grand opening on the books. 

I caught up with owner Angel Ramirez and store manager Jess Parsons the other day...
"The store sells vintage designer collectible novelty fashion items," Parsons said of Angels Boutique. "They don't have to be luxury; they do have to have personality."
Daily hours: Noon to 8 p.m. 

You can follow Angels Boutique on Instagram here.

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