Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Busted & shuttered at the Grab & Go on Avenue B

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy

A multi-agency raid took place today at several unlicensed cannabis shops in the East Village, including Grab & Go, 23 Avenue B between Second Street and Third Street.
We're told that this is the second bust this month at Grab & Go.

What was different this time: the officers sealed the premises and disconnected the gate afterward. 

"We're probably not reopening, but you might see us around the neighborhood," a store employee told us. "We'd miss our regulars." 

Law enforcement officials at the scene declined to comment.

As previously reported, a city law enacted last August holds commercial landlords responsible for renting storefronts to unlicensed cannabis shops.

Introduction 1001-B, known as Local Law 107 of 2023, prohibits owners of commercial spaces from knowingly leasing to unlicensed sellers of marijuana or tobacco products, imposing fines of up to $10,000 on landlords for violations.


Other busts today include at Hi Society, 97 Second Ave. ... and the one at 213 First Ave. between 12th Street and 13th Street. (H/T William Klayer and Steven.)

A reader shared this from Hi Society, asking Bye Society?


  1. "We're probably not reopening, but you might see us around the neighborhood," a store employee told us. "We'd miss our regulars."

    If you really miss your regulars, maybe pay some taxes to the state they live in. Complete nonsense that all these illegal shops get to operate without any of the tax revenue going back to the citizens whose neighborhoods are being overrun with illegal weed shops that market in ways that are blatantly appealing to kids.

  2. "Weed miss our customers."

    I see what you did there.

    And nothing of value was lost.

  3. FINALLY!!! I had to walk blocks and blocks to find some Cascade today. But if I wanted a fat ass blunt, I had many, many, many options.


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