Monday, May 13, 2024

Former Walgreens space on Union Square to be home to a Times Square-friendly business

The SE corner of 14th Street and Fourth Avenue will soon be home to a Times Square-friendly biz called NYC Convenience Gifts. 

The signage promises items ranging from souvenirs (FDNY and NYPD branded) to luggage, watches and ice cream. 

The EVG reader who shared these photos called the new business an "eyesore." Sure, but it's handy if you need a suitcase and an ice cream cone in a hurry... 
The oddly configured Walgreens closed here in February 2022. 

It's a huge space, and we wondered what might eventually move in... the Walgreens was renovated and expanded into the space above the quick-serve restaurants on Fourth Avenue back in 2010... (this far-flung layout is what we meant by "oddly configured.") 

Previously on EV Grieve


  1. Well, is anyone really that surprised? Ever since the new "redevelopment" program was put into effect, the Times Square ethos has been creeping into the EV environs at a steady pace. I can't wait until we get all the Elmo's, and Super hero's walking around the Alamo hawking for the tourists.

  2. Oh dear. Well I guess it's better than an empty space.

  3. Barely. I saw this yesterday and was depressed.

  4. If you ever doubted that Manhattan has become a Disneyfied, suburbanized theme park of the urban late stage capitalist experience here is the latest and most obvious EV example.

  5. This is just sad. Plus with random people getting punched in the face just for walking down the street, NYC is becoming just plain ugly.

  6. This will the next hot spot for shoplifting.
    Lock up the ice cream!

  7. Complete with 9000 Kelvin eye-gouging LED lights.


  8. They may not be open for long, for they have a case in the front of the store where someone is selling THC products without a license.
    There was another store on University between 14th and 13th called Jack's "Delicatessen" also selling THC products without a license, and they've been shut down.


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