Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Heading back to Downtown Beirut

Photo by David Vega via Flaming Pablum 

On Friday evening, you can revisit a celebrated and long-gone East Village bar (RIP 1994).

Lucky on B plays host to two shorts filmed at Downtown Beirut, 158 First Ave. between Ninth Street and 10th Street...
A description
Join Lucky for a little trip down memory lane with the premiere of two classic videos torn from the East Village's storied past: "The Look of Love" and "Night at Downtown Beirut." 
Created by Mike Enright, who has also contributed a bunch of CDs to our eclectic jukebox, these shorts were shot at the old Downtown Beirut, one of the best bars in history! We'll let people gather for a few drinks between 6 and 6:30, screen one film, take another drink break, and then screen the second film. They're each about a half hour long, and while everyone's drinking, Mike will be showing some of this other video art. 
Lucky on B is at 168 Avenue B between 10th Street and 11th Street. 

This screening is part of Lower East Side History Month

P.S. There was also Downtown Beirut II at 157 E. Houston St. near Allen. 

Previously on EV Grieve

Alex has more on DB at Flaming Pablum.


  1. Lost many brain cells in there.

  2. Now we just have packs of DBs roaming our streets.

  3. Loved that place.

    Remember when the space was rented to Standard...which was so, so different. One night, I took a group in there as it was relatively empty and mellow-seeming. Found the bartender was perfectly nice, place had a nice vibe for the context of the kind of evening that group wanted; but, felt so conflicted...drinks were about 2x the price and I really loved DB AND the Village Idiot when it was next door to the north.


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