Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Hit play 'Job' heads from the East Village's Connelly Theater to Broadway

"Job," Max Wolf Friedlich's 80-minute psychological thriller, enjoyed an extended run at The Connelly Theater earlier this year. 

Word came yesterday that "Job" is transferring to Broadway for 10 weeks at the Hayes Theater on West 44th Street starting on July 15. (Find ticket info here.) 

Peter Friedman and Sydney Lemmon will reprise their roles in the two-character play that concerns a crisis therapist and a big tech company employee in Silicon Valley, one who has been placed on leave after becoming the subject of a viral workplace video. 

It was great fun to see this in the East Village ... and a production that promises to prompt some post-play discussion. 

This is also the first play to jump from the Connelly Theater to Broadway in its long history.

Previously on EV Grieve:

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