Sunday, June 23, 2024

A tribute to Patti Astor at First Street Green Art Park

First Street Green Art Park is celebrating the life of Patti Astor, the "First Lady of Graffiti Art." 

Astor, a cofounder of the Fun Gallery in the East Village in 1981, helped introduce a range of graffiti artists to the broader art world. She died in April at age 74

A handful of artists created this tribute (this Instagram post has more info about the artists and curators) ...
On the main wall, Shiro_one finished this large mural on Wednesday, which includes work by Al Diaz.
The Astor tribute got underway on June 15 with music by Large Professor... and the start of the various mural work... (photos below by Stacie Joy)...
The murals are expected to be up through the summer. First Street Art Park is at 33 E. First St. There's an entrance on First Street just east of Second Avenue... and another on Second Avenue near Houston.


  1. Cool stuff, should get some attention - no sidewalk over there these days.

  2. Patti Lupone a true gem.

    1. It is for Patti Astor, Queen of the LES

  3. Just watched Blank City.


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