Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Asian Taste is back open on Avenue B and 3rd Street

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy 

Asian Taste returned to service on Friday after a nearly nine-month closure due to a gas problem in the building on the NW corner of Avenue B and Third Street...
In late September,During an inspection of 199 E. Third St., Con Ed found multiple leaks and shut off the gas to the entire Steve Croman-owned building, including the businesses.

The owners had been waiting patiently for the city-ConEd-FDNY approvals to reopen...
Asian Taste is open Tuesday through Thursday 11 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., and Sunday from noon to 10: p.m.
With the return of Asian Taste and A&C Kitchen on Avenue C back in March, we can update our round-up of the old-school Chinese restaurants in the East Village.


  1. It was so nice to see them open again this weekend and she even remembered my order

  2. Are the business owners able to recoup their losses from the landlord in cases such as these?
    Seeing as how it's a Croman owned building; and with his "stellar" reputation for being such a "swell" landlord, isn't he held liable for all this?

  3. Glad they made it back! It must be so hard on small businesses when this happens.

  4. In most cases like this the business and its landlord are reaching a satisfactory agreement.

  5. This place is alright and serves decent Chinese food, but I really miss the Double Dragon which served really good Chinese food at good prices. I really wish they would open again at another location in the LES/EV but given the price of commercial real estate now I doubt it.


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