Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Early summer on St. Mark's Place

Photos by Steven 

At the short-lived Mr. Kim tattoo and piercing studio at 22 St. Mark's Place, the covered entryway to the empty storefront became an inviting place to hang out in recent weeks ...
... until the landlord (presumably) had workers remove the roof and walls...
... sending the traveling crew to a different spot on the block here between Second Avenue and Third Avenue.


  1. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tag

  2. The fierce NO TRESPASSING sign rely means: No Alcohol, No Crack, No Pissing or Shitting, No Sex, No Crusties.

  3. Replies
    1. That's what you see in SF and LA.

  4. Looks run down and trashed kind of sad to see

    1. The entire area looks like that

  5. The state of the LES is moving toward streets of empty storefronts and homeless men sprawled in every door stoop.

  6. PERHAPS, if commercial rents were SUSTAINABLE, we would not have EMPTY storefronts throughout our fair city.

    MAYBE, we'd even have AFFORDABLE eating establishments with generous portions, as we did in the past, when it was a joy to eat out at all hours.

    BUT, that was another New York City.

    The current state our city is in is a PLAN, as nothing happens here by chance....


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