Sunday, June 2, 2024

Films we want to see: 'Robot Dreams' with a story of friendship in the 1980s East Village

Image via NEON

"Robot Dreams," a dialogue-free animated feature, opened on Friday at the Film Forum. (Showtimes here.) 

We've seen the trailer (below!), though not the film... and are looking forward to it. 

The synopsis: 
New York City, 1980s. Dog lives an unassuming life among the bustle of the East Village. Feeling lonely, he orders Robot from a TV ad. Once assembled, Robot instantly becomes Dog's most steadfast friend. Together, they explore the city, rollerskating and roaming to a near-constant thrum of Earth, Wind, & Fire's "September."
The film by Pablo Berger (from the graphic novel by Sara Varon) scored 98% on Rotten Tomatoes and received an Academy Award nomination for Best Animated Feature. 

Berger previously lived in the East Village, noting to an interviewer: "The apartment where Dog lives has the same floorplan as my first apartment." (His apartment includes a video rental from Kim's and a trip to the Strand.) 

A few headlines about the film: "'Robot Dreams' Is a Radiant Ode to Friendship and 1980s New York" (TIME) ... "Animated ‘Robot Dreams’ captures feelings of love and loss in 1980s East Village" (Gay City News)


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