Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Looking at two recent storefront reveals on 2nd Avenue

On the NE corner of Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place, Café Maud's signage is officially official as of yesterday. (We got a sneak preview last Wednesday.)

The self-described "neighborhood cafe & bar" replaces EV oldster Dallas BBQ, which closed in December 2022 due to a rent hike.

Opening date for Café Maud: SOON.

Meanwhile, on the NW corner of Second Avenue and Ninth Street, we have a full reveal after workers recently removed the plywood (and layers of wheatpaste ads)...
As previously mentioned, a fast-casual restaurant, Balkan StrEAT, was in the works for the space (the former Starbucks). However, the Balkan StrEAT on Sixth Avenue abruptly closed in October, putting this outpost in doubt.

The RUMOR now is a Greek restaurant will open here.

Thanks to Steven for the top photo.

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