Monday, June 24, 2024

The refurbished Tompkins Square Park basketball courts return to service with help from the WNBA

There's a dedication ceremony this afternoon to unveil the refurbished Tompkins Square Park basketball courts. (Thanks to the EVG reader for these photos!)

These courts, which have been closed since June 5, have undergone a transformation. They now boast a mural titled 'Gaze' by Na Chainkua Reindorf over a resurfaced court and new rims and backboards.
Not mentioned on the posted signage about the court closings... this is a collaboration with Glossier, a beauty website, Project Blackboard, the WNBA and the Parks Department. 

Glossier CEO Kyle Leahy, WNBA Commissioner Cathy Engelbert and Connecticut Sun star Brionna Jones are expected at the courts this afternoon at 3, per the event flyer a reader shared with us...
And more about Project Blackboard: 
Project Backboard is a 501(c)(3) organization, founded in 2015, whose mission is to renovate public basketball courts and install large-scale works of site-specific art on the surface to strengthen communities, improve park safety and encourage multigenerational play...

The courts were last refurbished in the summer of 2015 with funding from YouTube. 


  1. Couldn't get a Liberty player?

    1. Always an anonymous complaint

    2. liberryy have the commoners cup game tomorrow and they played yesterday in Atlanta. They only have today for practice and rest

    3. Who said the ceremony had to be today?

  2. They didn't have ANY player from the WNBA lined up until the JC Pro Classic League, whose five girls' divisions play on these courts throughout the summer (starting this weekend!), suggested it might be a good idea.

  3. I miss the poolside view my kid & I used to have, to watch the tournaments in the summer :(

  4. MTG believes this is landing pad for woke ET's. However she refused to give up her source.

  5. This is more corporate garbage. It may look nice but it’s an ad for a major makeup company. Open your eyes.


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