Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Before (and after) Starbucks on Astor Place

Here are a few quick follow-up items after our scoop about Starbucks closing on Astor Place (here and here) after nearly 30 years...
1. The Astor Place Starbucks opened on March 30, 1995, marking the brand's 11th outpost in NYC.

Before SB, the space outside the downtown 6 at Lafayette was home to the Astor Riviera Cafe. (Above photo via Yesterdays-Paper. There's a nighttime shot here.). 

The 24/7 Riviera was open from 1979 until 1994. 

In noting its closure in July 1994, The New York Times asked in its headline: "Out of the Shadows, a Less-Funky Future for Astor Place?" (Cooper Square Books had closed a month earlier at 13-25 Astor Place.) 

Jeremiah Moss discussed all this back in 2009.
2. Discussions about the SB closing prompted comments like, "I wish we had a diner again around here."

As a reminder, the diner-like Famous Cozy Soup 'n' Burger, which opened in 1972, is at the western end of Astor Place at 739 Broadway. 
3. Several people suggested the Blue Bottle Coffee at 2 Astor Place for SB alternatives. Well, BBC closed in late 2021... and Felix Roasting Co., which took over the space, closed earlier this summer. (The above photo is from a few weeks ago — there's now a for-rent sign in the window.) Felix has three other NYC locations still in service.


  1. Bring back the Mud Truck!!!

    1. I think the kiosk at the South East corner of astor place has mudd coffee

  2. I am worried for Cozy - anecdotally, their lunch crowds are considerably less than they used to be. Also, they used to be open pretty late (or all night maybe?), but now they close early too. Not sure how much longer they have.

  3. If I'm not mistaken I believe I saw a news clip months ago where Alex Baldwin had a not too pleasant confrontation in Felix Roasting

    1. I think that was at Maman Cafe on University.

  4. Everything in that area is closing , the lids closed the vitamin shoppe closed etc

    1. I'm putting this out there - they are have combined the old Vitamin Shoppe and Lids and are actively working on it with no other signage posted. My guess is that this becomes a new Starbucks this Fall. Place your bets.

  5. There is also the wonderfully old-school diner Joe Junior, a short walk north at 3rd Ave and 16th St.

    1. Joe Junior’s - one of the best old school coffee shop left. Their classic burger is quite excellent!

    2. and they make a real Arnold Palmer. They squeeze the lemon right in front of you.

  6. Wow the Rivera Diner that takes me back when I used to go there for lunch and have an affordable meal in a comfortable restaurant. Unfortunately, that is becoming a rare occurrence these days in the LES/EV.

  7. Cozy Soup and Burg definitely doesn't have as many customers as it used to. Food is just as good, though! At least for my regular order.

    Also, Donut Pub is on the east side of Broadway over there. They have some savory things, too. So, sort of diner-y (even though it is much slicker than their original location on W. 14th)

  8. Astor Starbuck was a microcosm of the history of the company. From ambitious, expensive but generous, community oriented to an anti customer, anti community, rapacious American business more concerned with profit and stock price than the customers. Not sad to see it go. It lost me years ago.

  9. If I want a hot beverage that's priced like an hot beverage, I will get it from the coffee cart.


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