Friday, July 5, 2024

Ramones revelry: Punk Magazine's John Holmstrom hosts art and cartoons bash at Metropolis

Since May 19, Joey Ramone's birthday, East Village resident John Holmstrom, the co-founder, editor, and illustrator of Punk Magazine, has hosted a celebration of all things Ramones in the basement at Metropolis Vintage

Tomorrow (Saturday!) marks the last day, with events happening from 2 to 7 p.m. The afternoon includes a screening of some Ramomes animated cartoons and, from 4 to 7, the Live Punk Art Event. 

Per Holmstrom: "We have been staging these events for several weeks, and it’s been creating some really interesting images. Some of the drawings are now available to buy online at an auction website. (50% or more of sales will go to the Lymphoma Foundation in the name of the Joey Ramone Birthday Bash, which has raised over $100,000 since 2001!)." 

Joey Ramone died on April 15, 2001, of lymphoma. 

Metropolis is at 803 Broadway and 11th Street. 

Previously on EV Grieve

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