Thursday, August 22, 2024

A new East Village home for Gizmo

Photos and reporting by Stacie Joy 

After months of searching, the owners of Gizmo have found a new storefront for their sewing supply and repair business.

Rosa Malmed and Hossein Amid recently signed a new lease for 626 E. 14th St. between Avenue B and Avenue C ... and just picked up the keys...
Rosa and Hossein previously looked at this storefront. They circled back to it after finding nothing else in the neighborhood that was within their budget and accessible for customers with mobility challenges.

The new space is in a salon that closed during the pandemic. When they arrived, it was still full of beauty supplies. The couple is currently boxing up the salon's remains to donate.
As renovations continue in the weeks ahead, the iconic Gizmo neon sign that hung in its longtime First Avenue window will return. The phone number (212-477-2773) and website are the same. Hours will be flexible initially, but the couple said they are considering opening five days a week from noon to 6 p.m. 

Rosa and Hossein wanted to express their gratitude for the community's support after news broke in January that they would need to find a new outpost for their longtime business. They are already planning a grand opening celebration. 

Hossein said they want to be open by the end of September, as he wants to be up and running before Halloween. 

"Halloween is my best day," he said. "I love Halloween and all the Halloween people." 

Rosa also confided that she loves Banksy and wants him to come and install a piece of artwork on the side of the building. "Banksy," she said, "if you are out there, I have the key and can make this wall perfect for you!" 

In the interim, much work is needed to prepare the space and move all their stuff from storage. They hope to get some neighborhood volunteers to lend a hand. 

Gizmo spent the previous 32 years at 160 First Ave. between Ninth Street and 10th Street. Their landlord did not offer them a lease renewal (this on top of rent increases that made it increasingly difficult to stay here anyway). 

Meanwhile, the former Gizmo space remains tenant-free ...
Previously on EV Grieve


  1. Another great report from Stacie. Thank you, Stacie and EVG.

  2. Also, thanks to Cooper Square Committee for helping them with securing this location

  3. Thank you for writing this article in great detail and the good news.

  4. Such great news! I always try to resist the temptation for a quick and easy Amazon fix when I need supplies - happy to know Gizmo will be back in action as the alternative!

  5. Yay, this is great news!

  6. Welcome back! I have missed Gizmo! (Please consider being open on the weekend, too.)

  7. Spectacularly Good News! Can't wait to go & get more of their fabulous buttons

  8. Welcome to the block! So happy you are here!

  9. Best of good fortune to Rosa & Hossein! I hope their hard work will be rewarded by the patronage of a community who loves them. Can't wait 'til they are open!

  10. Very happy that Gizmo is coming back!

  11. So happy to hear this great news, and looking forward to shopping at GIZMO again! Wishing Rosa and Hossein all the best in their new location!

  12. This is the BEST news!!! Hurrah!

  13. SOOOOO THRILLED to hear this! I was heartbroken. I love Hossein and Rosa and can't wait to get my sewing machine serviced at Gizmo again soon! All is good in the hood today!πŸ™πŸ½ πŸ«ΆπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ₯°

  14. I'm so happy the greedy landlord of their old address can't rent out the space because they want to much money.

  15. So happy! They're so nice.

  16. Good news for good people.

  17. Great win for the neighborhood. Best of luck.

  18. Thanks Ms Joy for always being on the scene!

  19. Hope you keep the photo of Rachel Weisz in the window

  20. That’s super! I used to live at 626.

  21. Yayyyy!!! Thank you so much for this story, what wonderful good news!!!! I'm so happy for them and for us, I won't have to worry about where to have my sewing machine serviced!! They're such a valuable asset to the community, so happy that they're returning!

  22. This is such great news! I’m so happy for them.

  23. This is just perfect; I like that they're going to be in that row of vintage dumbbell tenements—which is a great location.

    I've bought so much amazing stuff from Gizmo over the years, I was crushed when they were forced out of the 1st avenue space—which is still standing empty. I'm looking forward to their grand re-opening!

  24. This is so great! I live around the corner from the old store. It was so sad to it close. Thanks for letting us know about the new location. I'm so glad they're still in the East Village. Congratulations to Rosa Malmed and Hossein Amid!!! <3


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