Sunday, August 11, 2024

Playing the Apollo?

Photo today from 10th Street at First Avenue at Apollo Bagels... thanks to Rainer Turim for the photo.


  1. Bagels are the foodie wannabe drug of choice. I guess it is not a thing in Ohio.

  2. Now if the customers would just stop blocking the sidewalk…

  3. Something is wrong with these post-grad types that line up for bagels, it is so obnoxious, just go somewhere else.

  4. I grew up in NJ, land of the best bagels (fight me), and it was in this magical place that bagel shops had a wonderful ticketing system known as "take a number" for crowd control. So standing on line on the sidewalk for bagels seems very performative to me, in an Empire Biscuits street theater kind of way. 🥯🎭

    Plus you know that 90 percent of the people on that line pronounce it "beggels."


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