Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A quick conversation about 'The Chat,' a short film by East Village resident Artie Brennan

"The Chat," a short film by longtime East Village resident Artie Brennan, is part of the SOHO International Film Festival this weekend. 

"This film is the most personal piece of art that I have ever made," Brennan, an actor, comedian and filmmaker, told us. "It deals with the conversation a couple has to have when the wife is diagnosed with breast cancer." 

The narrative hits very close to home and is based on the difficult conversations he and his wife had after learning she had cancer.

As he wrote in his director's statement: 
"We are people who find the funny in most things, and this was no exception. The real-life conversations were adapted into the screenplay and with her approval, I decided to make the film in hopes that others who have to have 'The Chat' will find it comforting in knowing they are not alone." 
His feature, in which Brennan stars opposite Emmy Harrington, is part of the Grand Streets Program that screens Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Village East by Angelika on Second Avenue and 12th Street. You can find ticket info here

And a quick preview...


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