Friday, September 13, 2024

Showing some summer love for Show Brain

Photos by Stacie Joy 

Tomorrow afternoon (Sept. 14), Show Brain is presenting a free concert in Washington Square Park featuring Shilpa Ray, Shred Flintstone, and Dead Tooth — plus a special guest! 

So, it's a good time to thank Show Brain's Ozzie Silva (pictured below), drummer extraordinaire for several local bands who, like The Shadow's Chris Flash, have been bringing live music to city parks. This time-consuming endeavor includes securing sound permits, wrangling bands and schedules, and setting up sound equipment, among many other things.
We saw — and discovered — many good bands (for free!) in Tompkins Square Park this summer via Show Brain. Here's a look at a few of them, starting on Aug. 10 with Balaclava.
... and Thus Love (who put out a great pop single this summer)...
... and on Aug. 11, Pop Music Fever Dream...
... local faves Pinc Louds...
... and new faves Skorts...
... and some faces in the crowd...
On Sept. 1, we caught Genre is Death for the first time...
...also on this day, Pippy...
... and Winterwolf...
... and in the crowd...
You can follow Show Brain here. There's also a Facebook page for The Shadow's Tompkins Square Park Concert Series.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks SJ for the photo of Jim Sim. Very happy to see that his condition looks better and that he is still rockin out in TSP.


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