Sunday, September 22, 2024

This week in milling East Village avenues

Top photo by Steven 

As you likely noticed (or felt), city crews milled Second Avenue from 14th Street to Houston this past week.

Crews also milled Third Avenue between 12th Street and Houston a move that likely makes sense to someone.
These East Village avenues are not on the coming week's Milling and Resurfacing Schedule at the DOT.

As we've seen, it usually takes several weeks before the milled streets are repaved. 🙏


  1. Obviously, these need to be done but how can the City traditionally leave it like this for weeks before paving????

  2. I would not mind if the city stripped the streets down to the original Belgian bricks!

  3. "how can the City traditionally leave it like this for weeks before paving?"

    One explanation often given is that when a street is milled, the City gives utilities like Con Edison, Verizon, Spectrum, etc. some time to go the area and examine and repair their underground pipes and cables before the paving is done.

    Which doesn't mean that the whole process could be better managed, but that's at least one rationale.

    1. If anything, utilities end up digging up fresh streets somehow like a week after they're paved lol

  4. And on Tuesday, innumerable "but we're the good ones" bike riders decided they had total permission to ride on the sidewalks. When I directed one coming at me on the sidewalk to the street, he yelled "too bumpy' & stayed on the sidewalk swerving around me. Another came from behind & almost took me out had I paused or leaned to my left.


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