Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturday's opening shot

Outside the uptown 6 on Astor Place, the MTA dropped some salt, like at other subway entrances we saw this morning, ahead of the expected snowfall (1-2 inches) later this afternoon. 

The snow will turn to rain later tonight and into tomorrow, per the National Weather Service

Meanwhile, over at the downtown 6 yesterday... this report came in via the Citizen app...
Who's going to blame this on congestion pricing?


  1. I don't EVER want to hear about apes throwing feces again.

  2. This aways happens in the cold winter months as the homeless many of whom suffer from mental health problems go into the subway trains and platforms to stay for warmth.

  3. With RFK jr. wanting to take away anti depressants, psychotic and mood stabilizer medicines, a lot more shit will be flying.


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