EV Grieve
News about the East Village of NYC
Saturday, December 29, 2007
East Village continues to lose its "sole"
OK, this has nothing to do with Sophie's necessarily, but stories like this are occurring all-too-often as the East Village continues to...
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Friday, December 28, 2007
RIP Cedar Tavern
Well, we didn't have much hope of the Cedar Tavern on University returning after it closed for "renovations" or whatever back ...
Thursday, December 27, 2007
"Read it and weep friends"
Since we learned about the possible sale of Sophie's and Mona's, we've been trolling around the blogosphere finding what's b...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Preliminary thoughts on a tragedy
From an e-mail to friends from a Sophie's regular on Dec. 20: It goes without saying that that item from today's Page Six was badde...
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Monday, December 24, 2007
Oddly enough, this is how she met Dermot Mulroney
Gawker picked up the Sophie's/Mona's sale item from Page Six. After Hours Editor Joshua David Stein posted the following: end of an...
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Trying to be rational
So there have been other fine neighborhoody/divey bars sold that retained some of the original charm...Like the Shark Bar on Spring Street....
Jeremiah's somber take
Jeremiah's Vanishing New York is an excellent blog that takes "a bitterly nostalgic look at a city in the process of going extinct...
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Friday, December 21, 2007
And so it begins, when depression set in
As seen in Page Six in the New York Post yesterday: December 20, 2007 -- IT may be the final nail in the shared coffin of East Village ...
Thursday, December 24, 1970
St. Francis of Assisi hosts First Nativity Scene; 'there goes the neighborhod'
[ Photo illustration by Derek Berg ] Earlier tonight, St. Francis recreated the scene of Christ's birth in a special ritual and Mass ...
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