And this branch won't haven't any of that panhandling (they spell it pan handling, meaning someone who handles pans? Or something to hold hot pots with?) or nonbanking business!
Meanwhile, a moment of silence for the old 110 Third Ave. (Sigh.)

RIP, June 2005.
[Photo courtesy of Patrick Crowley]
And, of course, 110 Third Ave.'s place in cinematic history:
Maybe we should round-up as a many homeless people and have them panhandle in front of Bank of America. Or, they need not be homeless people; we can just start panhandling, and if they tell us that they're going to prosecute, tell them we're not pan handling -- we're panhandling.
and of course, how can we resist..."one day a real rain will come along and wash all this scum off the street." Judgement day. If there's a hell below...
Come to think of it there are no more porn theaters anywhere I can think of. I can't say I miss the porn, but I did love the way that theater looked.
Two banks and two frozen yogurt places on every block..The future is certainly BLEAK.
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