Friday, July 11, 2008

At the 47 E. 3rd Street protest

Here are a few photos from the protest at 47 E. 3rd St. tonight. I was there for the first leg of the protest tour. It was fairly calm and orderly. The protestors were fenced in by the police, roughly a building and a half away from No. 47. (By the way, the police could not have been nicer. At least while I was there.) UPDATED: Jeremiah and Bob Arihood have in-depth coverage of the evening.


  1. A spirited but peaceful protest...47 E.3rd has become a symbol of a much broader cancer on city tenants...predatory evictions.

  2. Too bad they didn't use decades of below rate, cheap as hell rents, to save up to buy a place. DECADES!

  3. "why didn't you just buy something?" is the new "let them eat cake'

  4. By the way, genius #2, why don't you look at what "market rate" rents were in the neighborhood decades ago? In some cases the rent stabilized rents were higher than "what the market would bear" in 1980


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