As we (OK, I) had
mentioned earlier, tonight at 8 was the date for David Peel's birthday bash next to the Christodora. I was there a little before 8, and watched the cops prepped and ready for...

nothing. The party stayed in Tompkins Square Park, I was told. I stood in front of the Christodora anyway. Around 8:45, an officer walked up and told the troops to remove the barricades. I asked a police officer if this meant nothing was going to happen there. He, quite honestly,
barked (wolfed
?), "unless you know something that I don't." OK! All the police officers got into their respective vehicles and left...except for two lone officers, who were told to stand guard "just in case."
Several protestors did show up later with an "Imprison Bush" banner. There was a little shouting -- did a resident throw something at a protestor?

Meanwhile, on the way to the event, I started taking photos of the Christodora for whatever reasons...

Bob Arihood has many photos from yesterday's festivities in the Park.
Precisely how does burning the American flag have anything to do with the Tompkins Square riots or a commemoration thereof? I think those protesters should be bitch slapped for burning the flag and i'm not a republican or a "yunnie".
This just shows you that the natives are losing. The tide has turned or turning. They're still more than welcome to protest if they want, but if it's for a lost cause. But three people only showed up, c'mon. Where ere they if they really want to make a stand to the gentrifiers. Maybe the weather was too nice for them to protest.
Well, I don't know if it indicates that they're "losing", since the issue of affordability and displacement won't vanish just because this protest didn't happen. It's a bit sad I know, but these things always occur as movements are gestating (they're usually embarrassingly unsuccessful when they first start out). The fact that they were at least in Tompkins Square Park is a good sign (it wouldn't have happened at all in 2002). Just give it time. Remember, these last few years of uber-gentrification have been one big learning experience for everyone.
fuck you anonomous complacentpice of shit
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