Thursday, August 7, 2008

Remembering the Sic F*cks

Girl About Town has the story on Tish and Snooky, "the legendary ladies of St. Mark's Place." "[F]or a short time in New York City in the late 70s, the sisters were part of local band Sic F*cks, who played their trashy style of glam punk at CBGBs and ruled the East Village."

[UPDATED: Sorry, I had Sick F*cks earlier...not Sic F*cks!]

Tish and Snooky at the Limelight, 1986.

[Video by Nelson Sullivan]


  1. They were also in the horror movie "Alone In The Dark". I got to see them once, maybe at the Cat Club for a reunion show. By the way, if I am not mistaken, it is Sic F*cks.

  2. Thanks, anonymous...appreciate the comment...Ugh -- you're right on the name...I left in the "k."

  3. Don't grieve for this band. Go see 'em! They still play!


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