Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"After watching all three films, New York just looks like the craziest place on Earth"

We've talked before about the work of photographer/filmmaker Richard Sandler. He has made several documentaries, including Brave New York, which chronicles the East Village from 1988-2003. Then there's Sway, which is 14 years of camcorder-recorded subway rides that have been edited together. These two films -- along with Subway to the Former East Village -- are being released on Brink DVD today.

Mike Everleth reviews the package in Bad Lit:

After watching all three films, New York just looks like the craziest place on Earth, which, for some including myself and obviously for Sandler, makes it just about the most beautiful place on Earth. There’s one touching scene in Sway when Sandler talks with an elderly gentleman about how great NYC is. The old man can’t find anything to love about it while Sandler gushes about the amazing parade of life that passes by everyday. And thank God Sandler was there with a camera to catch it all.


  1. The hood will always be the Lower East Side. It's not a village.

  2. Went to order this, found that Brink has several interesting NY offerings such as "DOIN' TIME IN TIMES SQUARE". Also led me to this http://www.lastnewyorker.com/ of particular note is the Locations slideshow.

  3. Cool...thanks for letting me know...I'll check it out.


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