Wednesday, January 14, 2009

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning edition

Expect more empty storefronts in Manhattan (New York Times)

Bartender wanted ad of the day: "Styled like a hipster Bennigan’s, this Billyburg rock club lets the good times roll." (Hunter-Gatherer)

Upright Citizen's Brigade prepping move to the old Pioneer Theater (Eater)

Biker Bill's first cell phone (Neither More Nor Less)

Jeremiah's favorite film from 2008 (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Morning at the Subway Inn (Greenwich Village Daily Photo)

New city landmarks (City Room)

Virgin closing Times Square location (Idolator via Curbed)

38-hour work weeks at the Hotel Chelsea (Living with Legends)

Allen Street tea shop inches closer toward opening -- now featuring a bright red awning visible from space (BoweryBoogie)

Why aren't there more neighborhood blogs in Manhattan? (Washington Square Park)

The cornerstones of New York (Lost City)

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