A woman walked up and asked one if the movers if there was anything left to buy. He seemed slighly surprised. "NO, it's all gone. There's nothing left," he scolded.
Meanwhile, Karen was setting up shop out front per usual. Was this her last day too, I asked? "Oh no, I'll be here next week...either here or across the street," she said, pointing toward the old Kiev storefront. So that's good news...we'll still have Karen's flea market...and a true EV character.
For further reading and viewing:
Love Saves the Day is Closing, Karen wants to remain here in the East Village (YouTube)
Karen Saves the Day (Jeremiahs's Vanishing NY)
Last Trip to LSD (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)
End Comes for Outpost of East Village Counterculture (New York Times)
Karen has good bargains--check her out.