Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Looking at the New York Inn; so bad, Trip Advisor reviewers use five exclamation points for emphasis!!!!!

I've been curious about the New York Inn (there on the left) on Eighth Avenue between 46th Street and 47th Street. A few weeks back, the NYI was named the third dirtiest hotel in America by the voters at Trip Advisor. Is that good for the Bronze Medal? (And the Hotel Carter on West 43rd Street was tops...)

Anyway, haven't had a chance to get up there yet...However, Scouting New York was there and took a few nice shots, particularly of the faded ad on the side of the NYI.

In the meantime, like Scouting NY did, check out a few reviews of the NYI via Trip Advisor...where out of 116 user reviews, they received 93 one-star reviews!

Previously on EV Grieve:
Checking out the Vigilant Hotel: "Perfect for the bored with responsibilities of maintaining a traceable address"

Elk in the City

At the Hotel Edison: An appreciation

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