I noticed the "Store For Rent" signs hanging on Urban Lobster on Houston near Avenue A last week...I called and asked the counter person what was up. I was told the signs were for another property the landlord had. Hmm-mmm.
Yesterday afternoon, Gothamist confirmed that the location is
closing today.

I really wanted to like that place, and my Mainer partner wanted to even more. It was not just disappointing, but dreadful. Worst lobster roll I've had by a substantial margin. They don't exactly do it right in New York anyway (or so Mr. Maine tells me), but this was just the wrong roll, not grilled, not buttered (as their menu says it will be), filled with poorly cooked rubbery lobster. I'm amazed they lasted this long.
Hi BaHa,
We ordered from there once... Way too expensive for the quality of food. They say the one near Wall Street will remain open. Good luck... No one is spending that kind of money for lunch these days.
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