Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Polaroid from 1982

Blogger Jack Brummet at All This is That today posts a Polaroid that he received in 1982...It's a shot of Keith Haring's mural on Houston and the Bowery....

The photo was affixed to a postcard and mailed to him from San Francisco...the former NYC resident was living in Seattle. You can see the postmark on the bottom left of the photo....


  1. Holy shitballs! That's crazy. I can't believe the concrete slab has remained virtually unchanged in 17 years.

  2. Looks like a job for..... THE SPLASHER!

  3. The recreation has officially "closed" -- at one point I heard Deitch was going to install a new one, but it looks like this one's still up for a while.


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