I've never been inside their store. According to their site, they feature "a stunning collection of Designer handmade products that are locally made and only found in New York City's East Village. We’ve stocked our store with all the essentials a pampered pup needs, from clothing, to stunning dog collars, to soft and warm comfy dog beds." Can't be an easy time for a shop like this, especially with people giving up their pets during the recession.
On the topic of stores... in recent months, I thought I'd try to keep tabs on what's coming and going... not so much to report that a new nail salon is opening, but more as a sign of the times... and as a way to monitor how the neighborhood might be changing, for better or worse.
Anyway, to be honest, so many shops/restaurants have closed, it's impossible to keep track. (And, despite the title, I actually don't have an intern...) Here are just a few of the empty storefronts...(There are many more, I know...) Many of them appear to be getting new tenants...
On East 10th Street between First Avenue and Avenue A...
On East 10th Street between First Avenue and Avenue A...
Avenue A near Third Street...
East Ninth Street near Avenue A...
This is now the new convenient store on First Avenue near Ninth Street...
East Ninth Street near First Avenue...
They were making a lot of noise in here the other day on Second Avenue near Fourth Street...Eater reports this is becoming an upscale coffee shop...
...Sixth Street between Avenue A and Avenue B...
When the economy is bad, pets can do without the luxe living.