Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Coming to Union Square: Chipotle Mexican Grill

Lois Weiss reports today that Chipotle Mexican Grill will open in the Zeckendorf Towers on the northwest corner of Irving Place and 14th Street. It's at the former site of Rhyme & Reason, the card shop, which closed last September. As I noted then: "What's to come? I have no idea! But it's a prime spot in NYUville. Also! There's a Duane Reade a block away on 14th and Third...and a Walgreens across the street. So this seems like a good spot for a drug store. Rite Aid?"

Anyway! Jeffrey Roseman of Newmark Knight Frank represented Chipotle. He told the Post: "Union Square is still buzzing and is a hot market." It will open at the end of the summer.


  1. A Chipotle! Talk about a restaurant of doom! You might as well put in an Applebee's.

    Union Square could be really nice if it wasn't turning into a mall.

  2. Suburbanification aside...Yeah, I don't get the appeal of Chipotle... I tried the location on St. Mark's once...

  3. the best mexican is in the east village at downtown bakery.


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