Meanwhile, it was reported in January that the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre was taking over the former Two Boots Pioneer Theater space at 155 E. Third St. that closed in November. (The CB3 approved their liquor license in January.) According to the Tower Brokerage site, the old Pioneer is in contract...
As is the former space for Two Boots Video on Avenue A...

Details on the site:
44 Avenue A - Retail Space (Corner East 3rd Street)
Over 20 ft. frontage on Avenue A. High ceilings, floor to ceiling glass, H.V.A.C.
Approx. 2,335 sq. ft. -$75 per sq. ft.!!
In Contract!! -- $14,600/mo
42 Avenue A - Built Out Store (East Village)
Great Built Out Store with Selling Basement
Approx. 550 sq. ft.
In Contract!!
The two properties are listed separately and as one unit on the Tower Brokerage site:
Prime Avenue A - Largest Retail Available On The Avenue!!
Approx. 2970 sq. ft. Can be divided!
In Contract!!
So is one tenant taking the entire space? Or are the Uptight Citizens Brigaders taking over this space and the Pioneer Theater?
On Feb. 20, Jeremiah reported that a "'giant restaurant'" is moving in to the former video space and Pioneer Theater and the basement. We heard Upright Citizens Brigade was taking over the Pioneer, and they've applied for a beer and wine license. Could they also be a ginormous L-shaped restaurant that will run from Avenue A to Third St?'"
1 comment:
it was bad enough when kim's on A closed years ago. then kim's on st marks - tragedy. now twoboots... if upright citizens brigade comes in, it will ease the pain a LITTLE bit..
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