Friday, June 5, 2009

From the EV Grieve Weston, Fla. Bureau

From The Wall Street Journal today:

Unable to find a buyer for his Weston, Fla., home, Hall of Fame quarterback Dan Marino has a new game plan: He’s throwing in $1.5 million worth of designer furniture — and a signed football, too.

The former Miami Dolphin first listed the house — about 25 miles west of Fort Lauderdale — three years ago and twice cut the price. Now, Mr. Marino, 47 years old, and his wife, Claire, are asking $13.5 million for the 15,000-square-foot Tuscan home on four acres. They built it in 1998 and among other things put in a new master suite and marble showers. The home has 10 bedrooms, 12 bathrooms and two powder rooms. The property includes two guest houses, a pool, a putting green, a 5,000-bottle wine cellar and a pond stocked with fresh bass.

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