Please expect "Gentlemen, this is..." jokes the entire summer. I've already incorporated the saying in random conversations, like the other day at Mamoun's: "Gentlemen, this is Baba Ghannouj."
Your remarks and lively debates are welcome, whether supportive or critical of the views herein. Your articulate, well-informed remarks that are relevant to an article are welcome.
However, commentary that is intended to "flame" or attack, that contains violence, racist comments and potential libel will not be published. Facts are helpful.
If you'd like to make personal attacks and libelous claims against people and businesses, then you may do so on your own social media accounts. Also, comments predicting when a new business will close ("I give it six weeks") will not be approved.
I don't get it. From some stupid bro movie?
ReplyDeleteGentlemen, this is Meow Mix cat food.
Gentlemen, this is Raid Ant & Roach Killer
Gentlemen, this is Preparation H Hemorrhoidal Ointment
Dunno, BaHa... Maybe they're going for a James Bond feel, though it comes across more like Ed Burns in The Brothers McMullen.
ReplyDeleteHmm, come to think of it... I don't think we can say brands. The ad doesn't mention Ketel One. Need to keep it generic!
Gentlemen, this is a cooling medicated pad for the treatment of hemorrhoids.
Gentlemen, this storefront is still vacant.......
ReplyDeleteGentlemen, it tastes like nothing, it smells like nothing--This is Vodka!