Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A letter to readers who use Internet Explorer from EV Grieve's Vice President of Integrated Systems and IT, EV Grieve

Thank you to the reader who pointed put the following:

Since yesterday, when I try to go to your EVG blog, the page comes up, then I get a pop-up error message saying Internet Explorer can't open the page. When I click "OK" on the popup message, the page goes blank.

I usually go blank too. But! Apparently there was a rogue! Javascript running inside the body tag. I think.

The problem has been fixed.

My apologies.

As you were.


  1. I feel bad for them, why use internet explorer? Is their computer 15 years old? Somebody help them.

  2. My typewriter doesn't even have Internet access.

  3. I still use Netscape.

    I think that preppy guy had found your site and sabotaged it.

  4. I was having this problem getting on your site from my work computer yesterday. So I tried at the library after work as well and had the same problem. I'm glad you're back up and running. Missed you yesterday!

  5. If you are still using explorer....well enough said. Firefox looks great and works even better on PC's......

  6. Thanks, HG... Also, let me give you my new CompuServe e-mail address:


  7. I have to use Mozilla Firefox to access this site and many other blogs. IE is full of errors. Thank you, Bill Gates, for how wonderful the latest edition of explorer is.

  8. Some much elitism here, you Firefox using, anti-pink sweater wearers. Can't we all just get along?

  9. Quite right, Grieve! There is no need for rouge during tanning season!

  10. Ha! Oops! In addition, there must have been a gremlin inside blogger that turned rogue into rouge!

  11. I sometimes think that you, me, and Jeremiah stand in the same line at the Key Food on Avenue A without ever knowing each other. I'm five four with short blonde hair. I don't carry a tiny dog. I do have a geriatric cat who prefers not to leave the house.

  12. Oh I thought the message meant you were having an abortion.

  13. I've actually been going to Fine Fair of late... Regardless, I think you're right.

    I think Jill and I stood next to each other once on 32nd Street.

  14. i think some of you are the same people.

  15. maybe we're a multiplicity of one individual. very postmodern.

  16. Wait..I have short blonde hair too--what a crew!!


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