On Friday, PinkBerry
busted out new FroYo flavs. And you could get free samples at participating PinkBerrys (PinkBerries?) starting at 5 p.m. And, at one point, the line for a taste (of FroYo) stretched from the PinkBerry on St. Mark's Place halfway down the block and
around the corner on Second Avenue.

one more reason to stay away from that block
I'm truly incredulous.
i never understood the phenomenon of waiting in a long line for free ice cream. time=money, i'd rather pay the few bucks and get it now.
A school of herring with but a single brain.
Wait, they're giving out free samples of the new Herring FroYo?
Straight from Oslo to the East Village. Choice of toppings includes chopped onion, sour cream, and dill.
So, that's what it was. So similar line at Pinkberry in SoHo. Didn't bother to ask anyone what was the line for. Did take a pic of the line, though; which, wrapped around Mulberry St.
*saw* (I better get me some fro-yos before I comment)
Holy communion for the braindead
next week's flavor: Lemming Surprise. Spread the word
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