Thursday, July 9, 2009

Looking at 167 Avenue A: Another Hennings-Giraldi production?

In recent weeks, there has been increased activity at the long-dormant 167 Avenue A between 10th Street and 11th Street, which has housed, in recent years, NoTell Motel and Starlite Lounge. A worker offered the vague "restaurant" when asked what was going into this spot.

The space has been gutted. Someone is putting a lot of money in here. So I checked out the liquor license for the address. According to the SLA:

Jason Hennings and Robert Giraldi? Hmmm... those names may be familiar to you...The vets were behind the now-defunct E.U. on East Fourth Street... and Hennings owns Black Iron Burger on Fifth Street... and Giraldi owns Tonda and Butcher Bay ... (and has done things such as direct Michael Jackson's "Beat It" video). And he went through some epic battles with CB3 in 2006 to try to obtain a liquor license for E.U. Anyway, this all promises to be interesting...

For further reading:
Gastropub is hungry for a beer and wine license (The Villager)


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