Friday, July 10, 2009

Love is in the Air tonight in Tompkins Square Park

It's the second year for Films on the Green, brought to us by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy and the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation. They'll be at TSP the next three Fridays.

From the Web site... tonight!

"Love is in the Air"
Screening: around 8:30 p.m.

Genre: Comedy (2005) | French Title: Ma vie en l’air | Duration: 103 min | Director: Rémi Bezançon | Starring: Marion Cotillard and Vincent Elbaz

In French, with English subtitles, not rated

Yann Kerbec, an instructor for an airline company, is paradoxically afraid of flying. His panic, linked to his birth, stopped him from following the woman of his dreams to the end of the world. Later, he reflects upon his trauma and his love affairs. Yann has reached a crossroads: he must overcome his demons and accept that he must grow up.

Plus d'infos sur ce film

And will there be any illegal bag searches this summer...?

Upcoming French films in TSP:
July 17: "Works"
July 24: "Claire's Knee"

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