At Second Avenue and St.Mark's. Whoa! Look at all the changes. The Subway Dude is now Subman! And he has teeth! And more veggies! And he no longer wears the old-man shoes. Look at the yellow boots! And those arms!
Previously on EV Grieve:
It's Feb. 18, and we've already exceeded our quota for stories on Subway for 2009
February Subway dude photo via Slum Goddess.
covering his poor shoes takes much of the pathos out of this character.
Does anyone actually respond positively to these things? (Fascinating: You can actually order your own for $699.95!)
further proof the st. marks is now disneyland.
i want the bun with the 6-pack abs
Ann Coulter would take offense to the new name of that new mascot: she'd lobby for Subperson or Subattendant.
Mascots in general give me the creeps.
But. I do like the dashing new ways of the Subman. (Sexist, yes.) The old outfit was very half-assed to me. Like the manager had no idea who would have to hand out fliers this day. So the poor fellow who usually preps the sammy line got stuck with the duties. Whatever he wore to work that day would suffice under the costume. He didn't want to be out there any more than we wanted to get a coupon for a free bladder buster of soda with any purchase of a six-inch meatball parm sub and sour cream and onion chips. The Subway dude was far too glum looking. (The body language alone.)
But Subman is pumped. There's more confidence. More color. More definition. But somehow leaner.
Subway dude was youthful (that hat) and rather squat — more potato than sub. And the open mouth that showed no teeth and a little tongue made me think: drooler.
Not that I have given this much thought.
Regardless, Burritoville didn't need a mascot to sell their products. I prefer the free chips and salsa over this mascot.
The mascot also seems to have developed an eating disorder. Looks kinda thin.
Makes me think their sandwiches are smaller now.
I met the old guy--sorry I missed the new one-but will probably have the chance some time in the future when our paths collide.
superdive needs a mascot.
Obviously he took the Subway challenge! You know, like, like that dude who was fat and then like ate nothing but Subway sandwiches for like, years and then got less fat...duh....don't you people ever watch TV?
I gotta go, my HotPocket is ready...
@erich And more expensive! They have to pay for those new costumes somehow.
@HG. Jared!
wow! Boy have I missed A lot being out of the city!
They didn't even consult me about this! I smell a lawsuit...
Ha! I know Eden. This just means that you can never, EVER leave the city again!
I indeed ran into him today and complimented him on his new outfit and told him he looked a bit slim--he was very polite and gave me a brochure.
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