Friday, July 17, 2009

Who owns Superdive?

I have no idea!

In a news item on the bar last week, Paper noted "the owners wish to remain anonymous."

After we posted this on Monday, Paper left us a clue:

The furnishings were recycled from the owners' previous bar ventures. Anything look familiar?

Jesus, no! We only saw plastic cups!

All I know is that the name on the liquor license belongs to Joseph Birdsong, who owned the previous occupant at 200 Avenue A — Rapture Cafe & Books. That doesn't make him the owner, right?

Previously on EV Grieve:
CB3 didn't approve a liquor license for Superdive; "a nice neighborhood Internet café-bookstore" becomes a bar with keg service at tables


  1. If you can't beat them, sell it to them. Birdsong if you are part owner, I hope you are cashing out for your personal benefit and praise you. But when books loose to beer, that makes me sad. Idiocracy here we come!

  2. Oh, Goggla! You KNOW that if it was my bar, then I would have already hired THESE guys.

    The "outrageous midget comedy show hosted by Puppet the Psycho Dwarf."

    Oops. Just gave someone an idea again....

  3. Jamie Dimon is dying to go to Superdive.

  4. Has anybody contacted Susan Stetzer about this liquor license? And how did the name get changed on the SLA site to SuperDive from Rapture without question? Shall I write to her? Ok, I will do it.

  5. i wish you owned it. that might make it fun.

  6. If Birdsong's name is on the liquor license still, I'd have to imagine he is the owner or at least one of the owners.

    And if he is, shame on him for doing this to us!

  7. Beer will always trump books! (at least part of the time!)


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